
Ogham stone

This hugely impressive standing stone is almost dwarfed by the surrounding landscape, the location is second to none. It offers a stunning view of the Anascaul valley, you can see see Lough Anascaul peeping up above the trees, to the left of the ogham stone. Originally a prehistoric standing stone, this 3.9 metre high stone has been christianised by the addition of an ogham inscription and a simple Latin cross.

The Latin cross is inscribed on the south east face of the stone about one metre above ground level, it has a slightly expanded terminal at the top, see image below left. The ogham inscription can be found on the ENE angle of the standing stone, pictured below right. The stone has been used by cattle as a scratching post, which has badly damaged the inscription. A reading by Macalister, R.A.S. in 1945 recorded it as VOENACUNAS M(aqi). In 1986 Cuppage J. recorded that the first two scores of the first N and the M were no longer traceable.

Situated: As you approach Anascaul from the west, on the N86, take the small road forking off to the right, as you enter the town. About two kilometres down here on your left are two farm gates. The stone can be seen from the second gate.


Discovery Map 71: Q 6117 0220. Last visit June 2021.

Longitude: 10° 01' 46" W

Latitude: 52° 09' 16.3 " N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey and José Gutiérrez.

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